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Meet the team: TeamMember



Safeguarding Policy

Our charity is committed to protecting children and young people who engage with our programs and services. This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding and child protection.



This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, contractors, and trustees involved with our charity. It exists alongside our other organisational policies and procedures.


Our Commitments


We believe that:


  • Children should never experience abuse of any kind.

  • We have a responsibility to promote child welfare, keep them safe, and practice in a way that protects them.


We recognise that:


  • Child welfare is paramount in all our work.

  • Working with children, families, and other agencies is essential in safeguarding.

  • All children have equal rights to protection from harm.

  • Some children are more vulnerable and need extra safeguards.


We will keep children safe by:


  • Listening to, valuing, and respecting them.

  • Appointing designated safeguarding leads.

  • Following child protection procedures and staff codes of conduct.

  • Providing effective management through training, support and quality assurance measures.

  • Recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely with necessary vetting.

  • Sharing information appropriately about safeguarding and good practice.

  • Using procedures to share concerns with relevant authorities.

  • Ensuring we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures.

  • Building a culture of safeguarding where concerns are shared without hesitation.


Responding to Disclosures and Concerns

Staff and volunteers must refer all concerns immediately to our designated safeguarding leads to ensure appropriate action. Our procedures guide staff to respond appropriately to disclosures, including:


  • Listening carefully without judgement.

  • Avoiding leading questions and investigating.

  • Reassuring the child and explaining next steps.

  • Making a factual record of what was said.

  • Referring directly to designated leads.


Breaches of Policy


Staff or volunteers breaching this policy may face disciplinary action, including possible dismissal and criminal prosecution. We will also terminate relationships with any associated organisations who seriously or repeatedly breach the policy.


We commit to annually reviewing our safeguarding policies and procedures. This policy was last reviewed on 16 August 2023.

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