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Grant Programme FAQs &

How to Apply

Our priorities


Projects will be chosen on the basis that:


  1. They have a charitable purpose that is directly aligned with one or more of The Brun Bear Foundation's values and charitable objectives and purposes.  

  2. Make maximum use of the funding awarded. 


We aim to help as many organisations as possible so we don’t offer grants in excess of £1,000.

Your project can be a standalone project or discrete, self-contained or part of a larger scheme or part of a phased project. You will need to complete your project within twelve months of receipt of the grant. 


Who can apply?


  • Community organisations or groups

  • Voluntary, self-help or 'not-for-profit' organisations other than those listed above

  • Registered charities

  • A small charity registered with HMRC for tax 

  • Community Interest Companies


What we cannot fund


We cannot fund:


  • Start-up costs 

  • Awards that benefit one individual (for example personal equipment, bursaries or scholarships)

  • Awards for one-off event such as fetes or festivals

  • Awards for running costs such as staff costs or room hire  

  • Loan repayments

  • Sponsorship or funding towards an appeal

  • Work that has already taken place 

  • Evaluation that is not related to the funded work

  • Political donations

  • Promotion of a religious or political cause

  • Marketing promotions 


Is your project eligible for funding?


So long as your project is consistent with the charitable purposes and objects of

The Brun Bear Foundation it can be: 


  • A standalone project or discrete 

  • Self-contained or part of a larger scheme

  • Or part of a phased project.


Please note: 


  • ​You will need to complete your project within twelve months of receipt of the grant.

  • ​Businesses, individuals and 'for profit' organisations are not eligible. 


Key dates and process


  • The trustees are happy to receive applications throughout the year​​

  • The trustees convene three times a year to consider the applications and make awards. They meet in May, September and January for this purpose.​

  • The trustees are committed to considering every application that meets our criteria carefully and sympathetically

  • The Trust strives to process applications as quickly as possible​

  • Successful applicants will be notified via email​

  • The decision of the trustees is final​​

  • It is not possible for the trustees to give reasons why applications are not successful or enter into any dialogue or correspondence on projects which do not receive funding.


​What information should I have in place before I apply?


  • Your details

  • Organisation details of the project

  • The amount of funding you are applying up to a maximum value of £1,000

  • Details of your project with a breakdown of costs and a proposed completion date

  • Details of any other organisation you have approached for funding

  • Details of a referee who is aware of the project but not directly involved with it. The Brun Bear Foundation reserves the right to contact this person

  • Any appropriate permissions, such as planning permission for an outdoor project 


How do I apply?


Click here to access the official Brun Bear Foundation form


Please note, we only accept applications for Brun Bear Foundation Grants made via the official online application form. We are not able to respond to mail sent requesting donations or funding.


How can I help my application succeed?


  • Provide evidence of a successful track record of delivery in the area being applied for. A good way of establishing this is through Annual Reports and Accounts.

  • If the applicant is conducting pilot work, working with a different client group or breaking into a new area, the trustees will be looking for evidence of meaningful delivery in your other work 

  • Be very clear on how you will monitor the project and deliver the intended outcomes


What happens if my application is successful?


  • If your application has been successful you will be sent a Grant Acceptance Form.  â€‹

  • The Grant Acceptance Form must be completed and returned before any monies are released.​​

  • Failure to return a Grant Acceptance Form within one month of it being sent out will result in the offer of the grant falling by default.​

  • Monies will only be transferred by bank-to-bank transfer. Any bank charges will be borne by the recipient.

  • Successful applicants commit to completing an impact form and grant declaration form at the end of the grant period. 

  • The impact form should be supported by photographs and where possible video. 


If I am unsuccessful can I reapply?


  • We will consider proposals from organisations with previously unsuccessful applications as long as their new proposal is for a different piece of work and the project still fits within our current grants strategy.

  • This new application may be differentiated through the type of activities, the location of the work or the target beneficiaries.

  • We will not accept proposals for projects which we have previously decided not to fund, unless we have invited you to resubmit your proposal. 


Am I allowed to apply for more than one category of Brun Bear Foundation Grant?


  • Yes. Each application will be treated on its own merits and be bound by the same standards as any other application.


If our charity has been awarded a grant when can we apply again?


If your project has already benefited from a grant, you won’t be eligible to apply for another grant until:


  1. The original project has been completed

  2. The Brun Bear Foundation is in receipt of a completed Grant Impact Report that outlines what difference the award made. 

  3. The Brun Bear Foundation is in receipt of a Grant Declaration Form attesting that the grant was used for the agreed charitable purposes. 

  4. The Brun Bear Foundation is in receipt of a report on how the monies were used together with supporting photos and where possible video. 


What might a successful project look like?


Please view Our Impact page for an overview of recent successful applications.


Do I have to apply for a full £1,000 Brun Bear Foundation Grant?


  • No. You can apply for any amount up to a maximum value of £1,000.

  • When applying, please keep in mind that you will be asked to justify the amount being applied for in some detail.


My project involves physical improvement to an outdoor space. What do you require?


  • For any projects that are making a physical improvement to an outdoor space, you will need the landowners' permission and you might also need other permissions - e.g. planning permission.

  • These need to be in place before you submit your application and the landowner permission form will need to be completed and signed as part of your application.


What happens if my project changes when we are partway through?


Contact The Brun Bear Foundation immediately.


Please understand that The Brun Bear Foundation reserves the right to rescind the grant at any time:


  • Should any of the conditions applying to the grant change or not be fulfilled in any way without the prior written approval of The Brun Bear Foundation.


  • Or it is felt that in the opinion of the Trustees it is appropriate to do so. Likely reasons for such a course include the discovery of new information that gives rise to moral, ethical or legal concerns/objections. 


Please note, we only accept applications for Brun Bear Foundation Grants made via the official online application form. We are not able to respond to mail sent requesting donations or funding.

©2023 by Brun Bear Foundation. The Brun Bear Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales. Its registration number is 1174159. Donations are tax exempt and gift aid can be claimed. Its trading subsidiary is registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 14828160. 

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