When the going gets tough...
On 24 March 2018 a hardy group of 19 from Downham Health & Leisure Centre took on Tough Mudder in support of The Brun Bear Foundation....
When the going gets tough...
"You've upped your game each time!"
It's about energy, vibrancy, music, performance and community
Sweet Harmony at The Downham TRIPLE Challenge
Community concern prompted involvement
It's nice for us to be together as one says Sharon
Medical proof the TRIPLE Challenge is good for your health!
What the people said...
We did very well today says Zumba Ana
©2023 by Brun Bear Foundation. The Brun Bear Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales. Its registration number is 1174159. Donations are tax exempt and gift aid can be claimed. Its trading subsidiary is registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 14828160.